My Portals
I am fascinated by portals, doorways between differing realities. Portals appear in many forms: windows, mirrors, paintings, books, imaginings, desires. A recent gallery
I am a storyteller at heart. I work with a variety of materials and stylistic conventions, but however ‘realistic” or “stylized” the images are, to me they are all of one thread. They are the visible tracks of the workings of my mind.
Assembly Series
Gorillas & Portals
Nocturne Series
Liquid Charcoal Series
Outliers Series
The Shadow Man Series
I am fascinated by portals, doorways between differing realities. Portals appear in many forms: windows, mirrors, paintings, books, imaginings, desires. A recent gallery
I have always envied birds their ability to fly. At some point, I began to wonder if, perhaps, the birds in turn envy us
“The String Man and the Shadow Man Converse” 2020 The “Shadow Man” made his first appearance as a character in two colláge/drawings from a series